My name is Yaminah Mayo and I am a freelance writer, model, content creator, and the host of Blah, Blah, Blah podcast.
I place an emphasis on starting my day positively. I always feel the best when I wake up by 7:30 and I eat breakfast. My day varies depending on the day. If I have to work my part-time gig, I'm out the house by 10:15. If I'm "off", I'll most likely give myself a mask and get busy on edits for articles I'm writing or I'll respond to emails for different gigs and projects.
Once I'm done with emails, I'll make lunch. I focus on blogging after lunch but I've been so busy lately that all my blog posts are currently drafts. I'll be back to normal soon, though. Ideally, I'll start dinner at 6:30p/7p because I don't like eating late. I might take a bath, give myself a facial, take a long shower afterwards but I always wash my face before bed. My skin thanks me every time.
Once I'm done with emails, I'll make lunch. I focus on blogging after lunch but I've been so busy lately that all my blog posts are currently drafts. I'll be back to normal soon, though. Ideally, I'll start dinner at 6:30p/7p because I don't like eating late. I might take a bath, give myself a facial, take a long shower afterwards but I always wash my face before bed. My skin thanks me every time.

My "Golden Hour" is definitely the morning hour. I love getting things done in the morning whether it be edits or a facial. I feel so productive in the morning. Sometimes I even saunter down to SoHo and head to McNally Jackson to check out the magazines when I have absolutely nothing to do.

My philosophy surrounding wellness is doing whatever makes your body/mind feel good. If you need to smoke a joint before going to bed, do it. If you need to meditate before stepping foot out the door, do so.
Ever since wellness became an industry, people have been dictating what is/what isn't healthy as if health and people are monolithic and that's simply not the case. Do what feels good to you while keeping your mind at peace. That's all.